Are you tired of hiding your discolored smile? Rich Flores, DDS, LLC in Willoughby, Ohio, offers professional teeth whitening services to restore your stained smile to its glory days. Using the revolutionary Opalescence Boost, Dr. Rich Flores can eliminate stubborn stains to help you achieve a brighter, more confident smile.
If you’ve whitened your smile at our office, congratulations! However, the journey isn’t over — long-lasting results lie in aftercare. We’ll share handy tips to help keep your smile bright for months.
Maintaining your smile after teeth whitening
After achieving your dream smile with teeth whitening, you’d love to keep your bright smile for life. While teeth whitening results don’t last forever, certain steps can prolong the results. Follow the tips below to maintain your dazzling smile.
- Brush and floss diligently: Brush at least twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and an electric toothbrush. Also, don’t forget to floss your teeth at least once daily. Flossing and brushing remove tooth stains before they get a chance to embed into the deeper layers of your pearly whites
- Avoid dark-colored foods for 24 hours: After the teeth whitening procedure, avoid coffee, tea, red wine, and other staining-causing foods for at least 24 hours. During this time frame, your teeth are vulnerable to absorbing tooth stains. You should also cut back on consuming dark-colored foods and beverages in the long run. If you must consume them, use a straw to minimize contact between your teeth and these stain-causing liquids
- Rinse your mouth after meals: Even if the foods don’t typically discolor teeth, food debris and other residue can stain your teeth. You can remove these particles by rinsing your mouth with water. It’s also essential to always keep your mouth hydrated to remove harmful bacteria from your mouth
- Adhere to bi-annual dental cleanings: Brushing and flossing are great, but they aren’t sufficient to remove unsightly plaque and tartar from your mouth. Regular dental cleanings remove built-up dental calculus from your mouth for a healthy, beautiful smile
- Consider at-home touchups: Teeth whitening results aren’t designed to last for life. Over time, your teeth may lose their sparkle and become yellow or dark grey again. However, you can maintain your white smile with custom-fitted whitening trays
Professional teeth whitening near me
Bothered by your dull or dingy-looking smile?
Turn to Rich Flores, DDS, LLC, for safe and effective teeth whitening in Willoughby, OH. We’ll eliminate stubborn tooth stains for a confident-looking smile. Please call (440) 856-8774 to schedule an appointment today.
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